Sunday, September 29, 2013

Chapter 4: The Marketing Environment

Target Market 

Coca-Cola company has been outstanding on their creation of new products with the original coca-cola beverage to be sold worldwide. The target market for Coca-Cola are for teens, young adults, adults and middle aged. This company directly does NOT market the beverage to children under the age of 12, otherwise no more than 35% of children under the age of 12. The audience that more appropriate for the marketing of the product are children 12 and above. 
Social Factors

Reliability: Coca-Cola has consistently been serving their beverages with quality in the product and pricing.  

Durability: Coca-Cola has steadily been economically on top for the beverage market. A strong stock market value, brand revenue and brand value. It has a durable competitive advantage in the management, distribution and the product innovation for numerous years. 

Easy Maintenance: Coca-Cola bottling system has a solid stability throughout the years. The inventions of new machinery, vending and installation. The recycling method, going green, was a success in maintenance of expense and savings of the company. It provided an economic boost and recognition on the company.

Ease of use: Coca-Cola has designed machinery to market the many products conducted. One of the "ease of use" is the Coca-Cola Freestyle machine, provides the products made by Coca-Cola such as Fanta, Sprite, Diet Coke, Coca Cola Zero and many more drinks. It is a touch screen, easy to access and choose from the various beverages in matter of seconds. The sales has excelled within a matter of time introduced to the public, served in multiple restaurants as well.

A trusted brand name: Being one of the top brand names in the world, the consumers are responsive to their new machinery, Coca Cola Freestyle and influenced by the strong mission of creating happiness. 

A low price: Coca-Cola has been selling at certain strategies. The beverage is sold at affordable prices at your convenient stores. There is usually a promotional prices frequently in your grocery stores but depending on the size of the bottles.

Demographic Factors  
Age: Coca-Cola targets teens, young adults, adults and middle aged individuals. It is indirectly marketed to children 12 and under. It is marketed to create happiness and refresh your taste with the idea of you will always be happy when you drink Coca Cola.

Race/Ethnicity: Coca Cola products are sold worldwide in many countries. It has a diverse portfolio, it is branded in countries such as India, Sweden land, Africa, Japan, Brazil, Germany, North American and many more. 

Location: Coca Cola is available in 200 countries worldwide. In different regions such as Eurasia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, Pacific and North America. 
Economic Factors 

Inflation: The dollar value are affects the worth of the company by a lot. If the value of foreign currencies are weaken then the goods and services are less in value, with low earnings. If the foreign dollar is strengthen, it more of a loss for the earnings for the company. 

Recession: In 2008-2009 the global economy in the U.S.A downfall into a recession. Coca-Cola internationally sales were affected approximately 75% by the recession.
Technological Factors
Coca Cola has diverted the company to use technology to advance their sales. As the new invented machinery such as the Coca Cola Freestyle, Vending machines and the Coca Cola Hug me vending machine. The Hug Me machine was in Singapore, it was a marketing strategy and boost instead of paying money the customers had to squeeze the sides of the machine to receive their drink. The Coca Cola Freestyle is a touch screen machine to has various drinks to choose from. 

The machinery outside to the public is not the only advance the company has, the company factories in Europe a modern equipment to produce the quality, packaging and delivery efficiently. 

Political and Legal Factors 

The following are regulations that Coca Cola standards has to meet:

"1.Changes in Laws and Regulations like; changes in Accounting Standards, taxation requirements (tax rate changes, modified tax law interpretations, entrance of new tax laws), and environmental laws either in domestic or foreign authorities.

2.Changes in Non-Alcoholic business era. These are; competitive product and pricing policy pressures, ability to maintain or earn share of sales in worldwide market compared to rivals.

3. Political Conditions, specifically in international markets, like; civil conflict, governmental changes and restrictions concerning the ability to relocate capital across borders.

4. Ability to penetrate emerging and developing markets, that also relies on economic and political conditions, and also their ability to form effectively strategic business alliances with local bottlers, and to enhance their production amenities, distribution networks, sales equipment, and technology."

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