Sunday, October 13, 2013

Chapter 6: Consumer Decision Making

Consumer Behavior 

Consumer Behavior is the process a consumer uses to make purchase decisions, as well as to use and dispose of purchased goods or services; also includes factors that influence purchase decisions and product use.

The Consumer Decision-Making Process
There are five steps used to study how the consumers make their decisions. These steps are in various orders and the order can change depending on the purchaser or the period of time. The five steps are need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase and post-purchase behavior. Coca Cola need recognition is seen has a want rather than a need, people do not need to drink the beverage, its their consumption of wanting to drink it. Coca Cola information search is known worldwide, the product is a non marketing-controlled information source and a marketing-controlled information source. The beverage is marketed through family, friends and acquaintances and through media such as television, magazines and promotions. Coca cola evaluation of alternatives is the back to need recognition which is desired, its what you want so you are more likely to choose it. Purchasing coca cola is a want, it can not always evoke the need of something. Post-purchasing behavior of coca cola is satisfying the thirst, you are buying the beverage and disposing of it in a short period of time. 


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