Sunday, November 24, 2013

Chapter 11 - Developing and Managing Products

New Product

A product new to the world, the market, the producer, the seller, or some combination of these. 

The Coca-Cola Company has led few new product developments. One of the new products was the new Coca-Cola aluminum bottles. It is not the usual glass, plastic or can, it was aluminum. The bottle materials were recycled and made into the new product. Coca-Cola considered it a sustainable new product, rather than plastic bottles, and reducing packaging. The new bottle is similar to the plastic bottle due to being resealable and have durability. 

Test Marketing

The aluminum bottles outcome did affect The Coca-Cola Company in a positive way. The aluminum bottles was first a test marketing for a new way of packaging. The idea was for packaging and the attention of the younger consumers. The younger consumers do not always settle for the old but rather want the new style. As a effort to make it is a positive outcome but it is sold in selected retails. The revenue from the aluminum bottles didn't boost, the glass bottles are the boost to the revenue.

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