Sunday, November 17, 2013

Chapter 18: Social Media and Marketing

Social Media

The use of electronic communications through websites, blogging and applications to share information and other content for social networking.

The Coca-Cola company uses crowd sourcing online through social media sites and on the main website. The consumers are able to request a feedback about the product and how well the service was where it was sold. The Coca-Cola company uses campaigns where the consumers are able to taste or feedback on which they prefer. The only way for the Coca-Cola company to succeed is to satisfy the customers needs.

The Coca-Cola company launched their main website on. Developing thee Coca-Cola online social interaction with the customers. Later on the company begin opening their own media pages on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. The Coca-Cola company have other media endorse the classic beverage or social responsibility event such as Forbes recognition of Coca-Cola recycling methods and the outcome of the efforts. The Coca-Cola company has advertisement on multiple sites that current customers or potential customers may visit. 

The Coca-Cola company uses social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The Coca-Cola Company Facebook page was made by two individuals that did not work as part of the company, considered consumers or fans. The company kept the Facebook page as the official page and worked together with the fans to maintain the page. 
The Coca-Cola company used media sharing sites such as YouTube and Flickr. The company advertisements are put up into videos on YouTube and images of Coca-Cola campaigns on Flickr.  

As the modern times social media has transition onto applications and widgets on phone systems. The Apple Iphone Apps, Android System Samsung Store and Google's Google Play. 


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