Sunday, November 3, 2013

Chapter 17 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

Personal Selling

Personal Selling is the purchase situation involving a personal, paid for communication between two people in an attempt to influence each other.

Selling Process

Step 1: Generating Leads
The Coca-Cola Company brand is almost every part of the world wherever you go, it is a trademark worldwide. The Coca-Cola Company generates leads through advertising and social media, being a part of the region local culture and traditions. The company adapts their product to the norms of the society they will sell their beverage.
Step 2: Qualifying Leads
The Coca-Cola Company the recognition of the need is, the need of a beverage but in reality it is a want. The company uses their web site and social media to qualify their leads, some techniques are surveys, snapshots, news stories, polls and connecting with social networks.
Step 3: Approaching the Customer and Probing Needs
The Coca-Cola Company Some of the social networks are Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram and more. The Coca-Cola Company website advertises all the elements of stories, blogs, opinions, news, brands, videos, music and more.
Step 4: Developing and Proposing Solutions
The Coca-Cola Company advertise through social media, a salesperson is more related to the individual carrying out the word of the Coca-Cola beverage. Which does support the loyalty brand, by marketing Coca-Cola through the individual and specifically drinking the beverage. 
Step 5: Handling Objectives
The Coca-Cola loyalty brand are more open to purchasing Coca-Cola beverage but if you have a new customer the steady answer will be yes. There are factors like social culture that can effect the purchasing of the beverage. 
Step 6: Closing the Sale 
The objectives of buying Coca-Cola are meet, it is a sub-product that is minor is sense of purchasing a TV. The sale is most often to be closed in a orderly manner. 
Step 7: Following Up
The Coca-Cola Company on their main site has information and a feedback site to follow up on their selling process, if it was successful in wants and needs or unsuccessful in certain critiques.


  1. Hi , saya pun kena buat assignment pasal personal selling of coca cola company , :) would you mind to share dekat aman lagi boleh dapat information pasal coca cola personal selling ? >,<
